
Friday 26 October 2018

Food Tech - Mince Pie

Mince Pie

1 Onion
Frozen Veges
1/2 Cup of Water
Beef Stock
Spices & Pepper


1. Dice and slice onion. Then fry until soft

2.  Add the mince and fry until it's cooked

3. Add mix veges and 1/2c of water

4. Mix with pepper, beef stock and spices.

Friday 12 October 2018

Holiday Homework.

Holiday Homework...
During the holidays my class and I had been given homework's to do before we went home.
All the learning activities that I did was my Reading log, Collecting seeds, Math's, Writing, Riddles, Sudoku and also Good deeds.
I have completed all my tasks and I learnt so much how to play Sudoku which was surprising at first because it took me 2 days to learn it.
We also have prizes for  those people in room 7 that has finished their homework's.
What I love about holiday homework is that it keeps me learning even though i'm not at school.
Image result for homework learning animated